KLIPS 2.0 (Kölner Lehr-, Informations- und Prüfungsservice) is the managing tool for your respective studies at the University of Cologne.
The campus management system enables students to plan their studies online and to register for courses and exams. Course places are allocated according to transparent criteria. Deadlines and requirements for exam registrations are set out in the module manuals. Central documents such as the certificate of enrollment or a transcript of records no longer need to be applied for in person, but can be printed out at home.
Training Courses
Please follow this link for training courses.
Klips Help
More information and help with the system can be found at Klips-Support.
ILIAS („Integriertes Lern-, Informations- und Arbeitskooperations-System“)) is the E-Learning repository of the University of Cologne. Sign in with your student-account, the name and password which is provided by the RRZK.
Here you will find the Ilias pages of the Institute for North American History.